Interested in registering a domestic partnership in California? Read this first:
Provisions governing domestic partnerships are found in the California Family Code
"It’s not a matter of Lifestyle or even a choice, as some may think, it is our Life. We choose to live our's in style."
Interested in registering a domestic partnership in California? Read this first:
Provisions governing domestic partnerships are found in the California Family Code
Did you know?
The original flag had eight stripes from top to bottom: pink (sexuality), red (life), orange (healing), yellow (sunlight), green (nature), turquoise (magic), indigo/blue (serenity), and violet (spirit). Within a year, the flag had shed two of its stripes—pink and violet. According to Gilbert, they "ran out of pink dye." The violet stripe was later taken out to create an even number of stripes on the flag.Since, many variations of the flag have been created. For instance, a black stripe is added to some symbolizing those lost to AIDS. There are also variations to represent bisexual people, bears and others.
From the Marriage & Living Together Center. Copyright 2000, Inc.
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If same-sex marriage is ever legalized, you and your partner will need to decide whether marriage is right for you. Here are some things to think about before you pop the question.If you have children or hope to raise a family, marriage is probably the right option. Married couples by law have equal rights to raise their children, as well as equal obligations of support. In a divorce, both parents can seek visitation and custody, and if one parent dies the other one steps right in as the primary legal parent. It is nearly impossible to make these sorts of arrangements absent a legal marriage.Marriage isn't a prerequisite for owning property together, but if you get married, in most situations in most states your property will be jointly owned regardless of who pays for it. This is the reverse of the presumption that applies to unmarried couples. Getting married may be the most efficient way of establishing a property merger -- though if keeping things separate is more to your taste, you will have to sign a prenuptial agreement to avoid the joint ownership presumptions of a legal marriage.In most states, each married spouse's earnings are owned by the two of you, and if the marriage breaks up -- regardless of who's at fault -- you each generally get half of everything you've accumulated. By contrast, if you are unmarried, your property is co-owned only if you have an agreement to that effect; likewise for debts and obligations. Divorcing couples are also entitled to demand alimony if the marriage doesn't last, without the need for any explicit contract providing for post-separation support.Every marriage requires a formal ceremony, and every marital separation requires some kind of formal court action, and quite often the help of a lawyer. Unmarried couples can break up informally, on their own terms.Absent a legal marriage, a couple needs to sign several agreements to create even a partial framework of protection in the event of death, and certain tax benefits are forever denied to unmarried couples. If you are married, however, the surviving spouse generally inherits all the property if the partner dies without a will. At death, a bequest from one spouse to another is tax free, regardless of its size.Transfers of property upon dissolution of the relationship are also tax free for legally married couples, but not for unmarrieds.Marriage can bestow a bevy of important benefits, including military or Social Security benefits, health care, and nursing home coverage. Marriage may also qualify you for unpaid leave from your job under the Family Leave Act. But watch out -- a married person's income could disqualify a spouse from receiving Social Security, welfare, or medical benefits she'd receive if she was unmarried.A legal marriage is the only reliable method of providing a foreign lover with the privileges of immigration to this country, when he doesn't qualify under work or other provisions of the Immigration Act.If you are ever allowed to make this difficult decision, first decide whether you fall into one of the got-to-marry or better-not-marry situations. Raising kids, courting a foreign lover, or facing a serious illness, for example, generally favors a marriage (unless it disqualifies you for Medicaid), whereas getting saddled with your partner's debts or losing Social Security benefits probably favors a no vote.If you don't fall into either extreme, take a close look at the marital property rules for your particular state, evaluate the benefits given your personal situation, and get a good sense of what being married would do for you financially. Then consider whether being married feels right for both of you emotionally. If the answers come back positive for both of you, then proceed, but consider creating a prenuptial agreement if any aspect of the traditional marriage structure doesn't meet your needs. If the impact of marriage feels unduly negative for one or both of you, however, hold off. The push for legalizing same-sex marriage isn't likely to make marriage mandatory. Copyright 2000, Inc.
When I came out, I was not so fortunate. I was sheltered from most of the world by my parents and was confined to an "inner circle" of friends, who were of the same faith. At any rate, I came out with a bang and had no idea what it meant to be gay. My impressions of the gay world were what I was taught to believe while growing up. Because of this, I felt that I was a sexual deviant, as opposed to just a "gay man". The first gay person I met was in a bar and was less than virtuous. I followed in his footsteps, thinking that this was the "norm" in the community.
Now that I am almost 40, I look back at my perception of the gay world and wonder if it would have been different, had I had a mentor to show me the "real" gay world. I am assuming I would have been a little more balanced and less risky. I think that it is very important that we have someone like Dr. Corvino that talks about this subject. I also believe that it is up to all of us to mentor others, so that they may learn from our experiences.
I was a very ignorant 21 year old and I am still learning how the ''real world" works. Some of my previous impressions haunt me to this day, but thank god I did eventually find someone to mentor me.
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